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Yoga Bayside – Where Community Thrives

We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to rest. Restorative yoga is about learning to relax deeply and completely, so we can access our natural healing potential. – Judith Hanson Lasater

This quote captures the essence of Restorative Yoga, emphasising the importance of intentional rest and the profound benefits it offer.

At Yoga Bayside, we don’t just teach yoga; we nurture a community that celebrates diversity, empowers individuality, and fosters a deep sense of belonging. Our teacher training courses are a reflection of these values, ensuring that every aspiring yogi—regardless of age, gender, body type, or background—finds their place within our inclusive, nurturing space.



This 40-hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training is perfect for yoga teachers looking to upskill, as well as anyone curious about how Restorative Yoga works.

Through this comprehensive course, you’ll explore the transformative power of relaxation and understand how our modern, stress-filled lives take a toll on our well-being.

This training not only equips you with the tools to teach others but also gives you a rich foundation to support your own well-being and self-care, making it beneficial for both personal growth and professional development.

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Introduction to Restorative Yoga

Overview of Restorative Yoga principles

Benefits: relaxation, healing, and stress management

The role of stillness and support in practice

Understanding Stress & the Nervous System

The physiological impact of stress

The relaxation response and parasympathetic activation

The nervous system’s role in healing and self-regulation

Philosophy of Restorative Yoga

Connection between Restorative Yoga and yogic philosophy

The importance of non-doing and mindfulness in practice

Self-compassion, kindness, and self-awareness

Setting Up Restorative Poses

Key restorative postures and their benefits

Use of props: bolsters, blankets, blocks, and straps

Sequencing for a balanced practice

Pose modifications and adaptations for individual needs

Teaching Methodology

Holding space: the art of creating a safe, nurturing environment

Verbal cues and adjustments in restorative practice

Supporting students’ self-inquiry and autonomy

Pranayama & Meditation

Breathwork techniques for relaxation and calming the nervous system

Meditation practices to support deep rest and inner awareness

Personal Practice & Sequencing

Establishing a personal Restorative Yoga routine

Creating effective, calming sequences for different needs

Self-care practices for teachers

Restorative Yoga for Specific Conditions

Adapting practice for stress, anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue

Modifying for physical injuries and chronic illness

Restorative Yoga & Healing

The role of Restorative Yoga in self-healing and emotional balance

Developing long-term self-regulation and resilience



Deep Understanding of Restorative Yoga

Mastery of principles, key postures, and use of props for maximum relaxation and healing.

Tools for Self-Healing:

Knowledge of techniques to calm the nervous system, relieve stress, and support emotional balance.

Enhanced Teaching Skills:

For yoga teachers, confidence in creating and guiding restorative sequences, holding space, and offering individualised support.

Personal Practice:

A restorative routine for self-care and deeper self-awareness.

Stress Management:
Practical strategies to manage daily stress and cultivate relaxation.

Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology:
Understanding the body’s response to stress and how Restorative Yoga supports recovery and balance.

Holistic Wellness Approach:
Insight into the mind-body connection, fostering overall well-being.


For yoga teachers, this training expands their offerings, while individuals gain lifelong tools for self-regulation and personal transformation.

Restorative Yoga is a deeply healing practice that offers a wealth of benefits, particularly for the nervous system. In today’s fast-paced world, many of us live in a state of chronic stress, where the body is constantly in “fight or flight” mode. This can have damaging effects on the mind and body, contributing to anxiety, burnout, and other stress-related conditions.

Restorative Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps the body switch from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest.” Through a carefully curated sequence of supported postures, this practice encourages deep relaxation and helps to regulate the stress response.




Understanding Stress & the Nervous System
Learn how Restorative Yoga impacts the autonomic nervous system and promotes relaxation. Understand stress effects and the benefits of deep relaxation.

Teaching Techniques for Calmness
Master techniques to help students calm their minds, including effective verbal cues, breathwork, and creating a supportive environment.

Using Props Effectively
Practice setting up restorative poses with props like bolsters, blankets, and straps. Learn to adapt props to individual needs for optimal relaxation.

Creating Personal Practice & Sequencing
Develop personalized restorative sequences that incorporate breathwork, meditation, and poses to support ongoing balance and stress resilience.

Pranayama & Meditation
Explore breathwork and meditation techniques for enhancing relaxation and supporting the nervous system. Learn to integrate these practices into restorative sessions.

Philosophy & Mindfulness
Study the philosophical underpinnings of Restorative Yoga, including mindfulness and non-doing, and how to apply these principles to deepen practice and teaching.

The Art of Stillness
Learn the art of stillness in Restorative Yoga, focusing on cultivating a deep sense of inner quiet and presence during practice.

Teaching Methodology & Practice
Learn to structure and lead restorative classes, create a nurturing environment, and provide adjustments. Practice teaching with peer feedback.

Special Considerations for Various Conditions
Adapt restorative practices for conditions like stress, anxiety, and physical injuries using case studies and role-plays.


By the end of this training, you’ll not only be equipped to teach Restorative Yoga but will also have a deeper personal connection to the practice. You will have the knowledge and tools to help yourself and others escape the harmful effects of stress and embrace the healing power of rest.


Join us at Yoga Bayside, where we teach with heart and nurture a space for transformation, inclusion, calm, and well-being.


Taking a Restorative Yoga Teacher Training course offers a wide range of benefits, both for yoga teachers and for anyone interested in deepening their personal practice.

Benefits For Future Restorative Yoga Teachers:

  1. New Teaching Skills:
    You’ll learn how to sequence and teach Restorative Yoga classes with confidence, from setting up poses to understanding how to modify them for different bodies and needs. This skill set will enhance your teaching repertoire and make you more versatile as a yoga instructor.
  2. Master Use of Props:
    Learn how to use props like bolsters, blankets, and straps to support students in deep relaxation. Understanding how to effectively utilize props helps ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all practitioners.
  3. Understanding Stress and Relaxation:
    Gain a deeper knowledge of how stress affects the body and how Restorative Yoga can help reverse those effects. You’ll be able to guide your students through practices that help them manage stress, promote healing, and restore balance in their lives.
  4. Cultivate a Supportive Environment:
    Learn how to create a nurturing and inclusive space for your students. You’ll develop the ability to hold space for others, fostering a safe environment where students can truly let go and relax.
  5. Enhance Your Teaching Career:
    Adding Restorative Yoga to your skill set makes you a more well-rounded teacher, opening up opportunities to teach a wider variety of classes or even specialized workshops in Restorative Yoga, stress management, and relaxation techniques. 
  6. Build Deeper Connections with Students:
    Teaching Restorative Yoga allows you to connect with students on a deeper level, as this practice encourages vulnerability, stillness, and reflection. You’ll be able to offer personalised guidance, creating meaningful experiences for your students

Benefits For Everyone

  1. Deepen Personal Practice:
    Gain a deeper understanding of restorative postures, breathing techniques, and the philosophy behind rest. You’ll learn how to integrate these into your own life, creating a sustainable practice that promotes relaxation and healing.
  2. Stress Relief and Mental Wellness:
    Learn practical tools to manage stress, anxiety, and burnout. By mastering relaxation techniques, you’ll improve your mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being.
  3. Nervous System Reset:
    Experience the power of Restorative Yoga to soothe and reset your nervous system. You’ll learn how to cultivate a state of calm and relaxation, helping you move out of “fight or flight” mode and into “rest and digest.”
  4. Self-Care Skills:
    Discover how to prioritize rest and self-care through a holistic approach, which can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health in the long term.
  5. Mindfulness and Presence:
    Restorative Yoga helps you slow down and cultivate mindfulness. You’ll become more attuned to your body’s needs, and this heightened awareness can lead to greater peace and balance in daily life.

This training not only equips you with the tools to teach others but also gives you a rich foundation to support your own well-being and self-care, making it beneficial for both personal growth and professional development.



(Please note dates may be subject to change)

MARCH: 1ST – 2ND + 15TH – 16TH + 29TH


Early Bird Rate (book and pay in full before 31 December 2024):
Payment: $1,100

Regular Rate (Bookings after 31 December 2024):
Payment: $1,250

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